Thursday, April 12, 2012

There are ballers and then there are eye-ballers

One of my sons just walked in the door from high school and informed me that he is DEFINITELY getting his eyeballs tattooed.

"Ya right. No such thing. You can get contacts but not tattoos. " I replied in my usual open minded way. And then, the oft heard phrase "That'll make you go blind." (Bull. ) :)

His rebuttal: (genius-as the apple doesn't fall far from the tree)
"1. They ARE real and prisoners get them all the time in jail. 2. What are you gonna say mom, since you got YOUR lips tattooed? "

Good point son, and I have no leg to stand on. Turns out, they ARE real and I'm going to post some of the inspiring pictures. Also, a before picture of my son and the eyes that obviously need fixin. The cute brain is hiding behind the cute hair.

I'm sure EVERYONE wants information on this. So here you go.

Notice the fine detail, Especially the black dots next to the red threads. The tattooer brought the talent, the guy with the eyeball brought his brains and beauty.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Time for a bucket list

I decided to write a bucket list today and have my kids each write one of their own. (At least the kids that will take my advice without making it into a contest of wills.) I found a great website that I want to share
with lots of ideas for your own bucket list and resources for accomplishing them. One of my goals is to keep a journal and this is it:) My blog that I haven't added to in months:) One excuse that I gave myself for stopping was that (genius) I had added adsense to start earning my new fortune, then promptly posted homeopathic ideas and found that my blog was inundated with gross ads. hahaha So the two people that read my blog had to leave with a vague sense of needing to run to the pharmacy. haha:) sick!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

We traveled to the ranch this weekend to help get it in shape for summer. We planted the trees that we gave to Grandma and Grandpa for their birthdays last year. Blue spruce. Grandpa didn't get a chance to see them planted... a good lesson in not PROCRASTINATING:)

We visited Grandpa Ivar on Memorial Day with Grandma. We miss you Grandpa!